The Shalva Band performed at Talks at Google on March 19th.  After a brief introduction by a Google team member, who said he had seen the band perform earlier that year and was impressed with their talent and professionalism, Shalva’s founder Kalman Samuels spoke about the origins of Shalva and how the Shalva Band began. “They are young adults… who can now have the respect of making a living through their music. To be playing at Google is the ultimate statement of inclusion.”

A video was shown in which the Shalva band members introduced themselves and shared their life dreams after which the band took the stage and began their performance- which included hit songs “One Day”, Leonard Cohen’s “Hallejuah”, Hebrew song “Jerusalem of Gold”  as well as others. The group broke up their act with a question and answer session and chairman of Shalva, Avi Samuels, assisted the band by translating on behalf of the members. the band finished up their performance several more songs including popular hit “Titanium”, by Sia. Upon the conclusion of the performance the band received a standing ovation and as the band members took their bows and smiled broadly shouts of “Bravo!” and “Encore!” were called out from the crowd.

As band director, Shai Ben Shushan beautifully stated: “The special thing about this band is that it shows the world that anything is possible.”