
Jerusalem City Mayor Nir Barkat Opens First Classes in the Brand New Shalva National Center

By |2017-07-11T13:15:05+02:00September 4th, 2016|Updates|

September first will go down as a historic day for Jerusalem’s education system. City Mayor Nir Barkat officiated as Shalva’s one-of-a-kind inclusive preschools held their very first classes in the brand new Shalva National Center. Families from around the city joined together with their children of all abilities as the very first class was filled [...]

Shout it from the mountaintops

By |2015-11-15T17:02:05+02:00November 9th, 2015|Updates|

For FULL Album of this Incredible Journey, CLICK HERE There’s something about Mt. Kilimanjaro that attracts out of the ordinary climbers. Summiting the tallest peak in Africa demands gruelling efforts, intense passion and extreme determination. Without a doubt, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro is a life-changing experience for pretty much everyone who makes the journey. 30 climbers [...]

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