SHALVA Opens New Program for Children with Cognitive Delays and Hearing Impairment


SHALVA is committed to helping the special needs children of Israel, and that includes the entire spectrum of the special needs community. So when we saw a need in the community for a program for children with cognitive delays and hearing impairment, we knew we had to create programming for this population. This is why SHALVA has petitioned the Jerusalem Municipality for a five- year certification period for children with these cognitive and hearing impairments. We foresee the program benefitting children aged 3-21 who exhibit regular physical development with impaired and delayed cognitive abilities and also children with marked hearing impairment. Once accredited, we hope to open registration to anyone who qualifies, and as with all SHALVA programs, the programming will be offered free of charge to the parents. We are hoping to start the initiative soon after the Jewish holidays and will open as many groups as necessary for the children who sign up and qualify. SHALVA is dedicated to stretching our own boundaries in the quest for inclusiveness to all special needs children. Our goal is to be the home for the entire special needs community of Jerusalem, and when we move to the new center, greater Israel as well.