True, Shalva provides transformative therapy and inclusion advocacy for thousands of beneficiaries. You already knew that. But there is a secret sub-plot that often comes together with disability: Families grappling with disability are far more likely to facing poverty at the same time.

For so many homes, the tragic meeting of disability and poverty is a stress that’s too much to bear.

This pressing social issue needs to be brought to the forefront and addressed. So it’s with pride that Shalva announces the first-ever conference on Disability & Poverty. On 6.12.1 at the Shalva National Center, Shalva will be bringing together experts, both from within Shalva’s administration and scholars from around the field. We’re going to share what’s going on at the front lines of the research and statistics. You’ll be privy to policy-shaping insight that’s reverberating in the halls of ethicists and lawmakers alike.

It’s an event not to be missed.

Shalva is dedicated to bettering the lives of individuals grappling with disabilities and empower their families. Sometimes that aid responds to needs beyond a particular syndrome. That’s why this cause is so important and we think it should be on your radar too. Attached, please find a brief flyer with all the details.

We hope to see you there. You’ll be glad you came.

View Conference Program Here